Current TV sent me this one, called "Pipeline Posse," earlier in the week. You talk about your gnarly… As I said when I Twittered this link a couple days ago: if you think surfers are crazy, this will definitely prove your point. [And if you missed that tweet, you can follow me on Twitter by just clicking at the right.] Okay, some would call them crazy, but surfers are really a special breed.  Especially the ones who frequent the ultimate wave in the world…along with the massive amounts of other guys competing for position there.  Warning to viewers: this is not for the faint of heart:

This post is part of my continuing objective to take a break from blogging about tech once in a while to pay tribute to my favorite sport. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, as they say. In that same vein, and speaking of the "extreme" side of surfing, I want to say-hey to my buddies up on Lake Superior, who give an entirely new meaning to yet another kind of gnarly. Yes, they surf on Gitchigumi — the ultimate (dangerous) freshwater wave in the world.  If you want to some see Minnesota gnarly, check out the awesome photos on the Superior Surf Club web site.  And here’s a video on spring surfing on Lake Superior, shot by surfer Brian Stabinger in April 2008, I believe featuring one of the top surfers on the Big Lake, his close buddy Bob Tema:

By the way, I want to try to get up to Duluth again this year to watch and shoot pix at the annual "Coldwater Surf Fest" at the Park Point Pavilion — it’s Saturday, June 7, 2008. If I do, I’ll for sure be blogging about it, as I did last year.

UPDATE (5/3/08):  Another great shot on Lake Superior, taken at Thunder Bay, is this one I sent to my buddy at The Surfrider Foundation, Jim Moriarty, who blogged it recently. He blogs at Oceans Waves Beaches.