Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Category: Conferences/Events (Page 28 of 80)

DEMOfall 2010: A Chat With ParticleCode About Its Solution to “Code Fragmentation”

GuyBen-Artzi_ParticleCode I stopped to chat with Guy Ben-Artzi, CEO and cofounder of ParticleCode, which would later be named one of the DEMOgod Award winners. The "Particle Platform" the company introduced is an open and extendable cross-platform IDE that automates the porting process, allowing developers to create native apps using languages such as Java, ActionScript3, and C#. ParticleCode-logo Because it lets developers more efficiently create and maintain their apps through the use of a single code-base, Particle enables teams to focus on more innovative cross-device experiences. The Particle SDK currently includes plug-ins for all popular smart phone and tablet OSs.

Download or listen to Graeme's interview with ParticleCode about its solution to "Code Fragmentation"… (MP3)"


DEMOfall 2010: A Chat With Primal About “Thought Network” Publishing

Primal-PeterSweeney+DerrickCho I heard last week about a company that was returning to DEMO to introduce something new.  I'd seen Primal at DEMO '09 in Palm Desert (they were called Primal Fusion then), so I was interested in getting an update. The company introduced on stage today a product called "Primal Pages for Publishers," based on a very interesting semantic technology they call "Thought Networking."  When you're a blogger or a writer, you pay attention to this stuff, a big part of the promise of Web 3.0.  Primal-logo With Primal, you build a topic, kind of a dynamic outline of sorts, and it essentially fills it in as you go along. As Peter Sweeney, founder & co-president says, "publishing gets easier."  Hey, that future can't come too soon for me!  With Peter in the photo is Derrick Cho, director of sales & marketing.


Download or listen to Graeme's interview with Primal about "Thought Network" publishing… (MP3)"


DEMOfall 2010: A Chat With SocialSmack About a New Way to Engage with Brands

SocialSmack-MattCurtin Get ready to hear the phrase "Props and Drops" a lot, at least if SocialSmack has anything to do with it.  I heard last week these guys would be here at DEMOfall, and I knew I'd have to interview them.  SocialSmack-logo This startup, based in Austin, TX, is all about giving consumers a better way to express themselves about the brands they interact with on a daily basis.  I had a great chat with Matt Curtin, founder and CEO.

Download or listen to Graeme's interview with SocialSmack about a new way to engage with brands… (MP3)"


DEMOfall 2010: A Chat With Rocky Mountain Ventures About Their Mobile Scanner

DEMOfallReception-250w  At the opening reception Monday evening, I ran into the folks from Rocky Mountain Ventures, and learned about the new product they would introduce the next day: the CaptureID Mobile Scanner. This company, based in Fort Collins, CO, is headed by a long-time HP engineer and inventor, Gordon Nutall.  And I also spoke with Ranjit Singh, COO, who’s a former Xerox executive. The beginning of my interview got cut off (duh, I missed hitting the on button in the glare of the sun!), so we join it in progress.

In the photo I took of the company’s on-stage pitch on Tuesday, that’s Gordon Nutall on the right, and marketing manager Lisa Milner on the left.  RockyMtVentures-OnStage In the interview, Gordon and Ranjit also refer to the company’s previous consumer-market product, the FlipPal portable scanner. The new CaptureID product being introduced at DEMOfall takes the company into a new direction: B2B and professional markets.

Download or listen to Graeme’s interview with Rocky Mountain Ventures about their new mobile scanner… (MP3)”

My Live Blog: DEMOfall 2010

DEMOfall-2010_sqbannerThis is my tenth DEMO event (do I win a pony?) — nine of them in a row. (UPDATE: I recounted, and it's actually my eleventh DEMO, ten in a row.)  I started live-tweeting from the event about five or six DEMOs back, then realized it would be better to cover this great conference using a live-blogging tool — i.e., more flexibility, longer posts, and I could integrate my Twitter feed (or anyone else's) right in the live-blog.  I used ScribbleLive to do that two or three times. This time, I'm trying a different tool, CoverItLive, which seems to be a little better, more features, etc. I started this live event while I was still enroute from Minneapolis (while on a layover in the Phoenix airport), and I set the event to include all tweets using the hashtage #democon (the main one) or #demofall, since I couldn't post anything while on the plane.  Now that I'm here at the Hyatt Santa Clara, I'm going to change the settings back to just my own Twitter feed, along with my CoverItLive posts. It's Monday about 2:30 pm Pacific time, and I'm in my room about to go register.  The hotel lobby is pretty full with attendees ghathering already.  DEMOfall kicks off at 5:30 with an opening reception, and I plan to post from my CoverItLive iPhone app, shoot some pix to attach to them, and do some audio interviews. I'll upload the latter to my blog as regular posts, some hopefully later on this evening, as well as through the next two days of DEMOfall 2010.

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