Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Category: Conferences/Events (Page 30 of 80)

Gluecon 2010: A Chat With Objectivity About ‘InfiniteGraph’

InfiniteGraph-logo On the second day of the Glue conference, somehow I was Johnny-on-the-spot for breakfast, despite the activities of the night before. (No, I did not participate in the hackathon — they didn't want no stinking bloggers.)  Schmoozing over coffee and rolls around the vendor tables, I ran into my buddy Dave Fauth, who was chatting with Warren Davidson, director of biz dev at Objectivity, about their new InfiniteGraph database. The company describes it as "the distributed graph database for the cloud and beyond." I decided to pull out my handy-dandy recorder (Olympus LS-10) and do a quick interview.

So, let's say you want to build the next big social networking platform, or have a project involving scientific research, intelligence, or a personalized Internet service platform. Then, bucko, you'll want to take a look at this "distributed, scalable, enterprise-ready, high-performance graph database solution" that enables (…deep breath…) "leading-edge innovation and real-time discovery of multi-dimensional relationships and answers from vast volumes of distributed and complex data."  Seriously, this is cool stuff. The company just announced, on day one of Glue, the availability of InfiniteGraph in beta….

Download or listen to Graeme's interview with Objectivity about InfiniteGraph (MP3)"

My Live-Blogging of CloudCamp and Glue in Denver

GlueConf-logo This year’s Glue Conference is the second annual, and I’m glad to be back. The dates are May 26-27, and it’s at a new venue this year: the Omni Interlocken Resort in Broomfield, CO. Nice views of the mountains, and a golf course, too (like I care).  This year, the night before has a new wrinkle: we’re having a barcamp (unconference) starting at 4:00 pm today, May 25:  CloudCamp @Gluecon, also known as #cloudcampdenver.

Here’s my live-blog page, which uses a service called ScribbleLive.  I began posting to it earlier today, doing checks-ins while in route, etc, and I also have my Twitter posts appearing there — plus I had all tweets containing “gluecon” appearing there for a while, too.  GlueCon2010-Live I’ll begin posting again once CloudCamp starts up, and will continue through tomorrow and Thursday, till the Glue conference ends about 5:00 pm that day.  Comments are turned on in the ScribbleLive blog (moderated), so speak your piece if you like.

Note: This live-blog is also appearing concurrently on a new developer community site from Alcatel-Lucent, called Open API Service.  So, you can view all the action on this blog page there as well.

My Live-Blogging of the MIMA Event Featuring Virgin America

Here's the page where my live-blog posts appeared, in real time last evening, May 19, 2010. Porter Gale, VP of Marketing at Virgin America, gave a great talk.BuildingBrand35kft-LiveBlog-title

To do live-blogging at events, I use a great tool designed
just for this purpose called "ScribbleLive." I've done so at several events over the past year or two, such as DEMO Conferences, Blogwell/Minneapolis, MIMA Summit, and others. (And I'll be live-blogging at the Glue Conference next week in Denver.)  It lets me comment as things happen.

VirginAmerica-logo My on-site coverage of this MIMA event began soon after I arrived at the Solera restaurant and nightclub, on a gorgeous evening in downtown Minneapolis. The entire live-blog is now archived at the page link above, in chronological order.

A Chat with Fliptop – DEMOspring10 Presenter

Fliptop My last chance for an interview on the Pavilion floor at DEMO on Tuesday, before the final General Session was to begin, was to grab some time with the guys at Fliptop, a company that had introduced two new products in the Social & Media Technologies category on Monday. Take a listen as I interview CEO and founder Doug Camplejohn as he talks about "Fliptop for Publishers" and the "Fliptop Browser Button." (In the photo, that's Dan Chiao on the left, Director of Engineering, and John Haden, Account Manager, in the middle — a fellow Surfrider Foundation member!  CEO Doug Camplejohn is in the background, being interviewed by my friend Amanda Coolong.)

Download or listen to Graeme's interview with Fliptop (MP3)"

A Chat with Infusionsoft – DEMOspring10 Presenter

InfusionSoft As the extended lunch session on the Pavilion floor at DEMO wound down on Tuesday, I had the opportunity to get some time with two of the cofounders of Infusionsoft, a company I had just seen present in the Enterprise Technologies category. This company was introducing its new "Email Marketing 2.0" platform, which sure caught my attention.  I interviewed the cofounder and CEO, Clate Mask (right), and cofounder and VP-Customer Experience, Scott Martineau.

Download or listen to Graeme's interview with Infusionsoft (MP3)"

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