Here's the page where my live-blog posts appeared, in real time last evening, May 19, 2010. Porter Gale, VP of Marketing at Virgin America, gave a great talk.BuildingBrand35kft-LiveBlog-title

To do live-blogging at events, I use a great tool designed
just for this purpose called "ScribbleLive." I've done so at several events over the past year or two, such as DEMO Conferences, Blogwell/Minneapolis, MIMA Summit, and others. (And I'll be live-blogging at the Glue Conference next week in Denver.)  It lets me comment as things happen.

VirginAmerica-logo My on-site coverage of this MIMA event began soon after I arrived at the Solera restaurant and nightclub, on a gorgeous evening in downtown Minneapolis. The entire live-blog is now archived at the page link above, in chronological order.