Category: IT/Software (Page 11 of 58)
I'm at the Glue Conference in Denver again, my third year running. I got here the day before the actual two-day conference starts, although some pre-conference workshops were held this afternoon starting at 1:00. And a reception fires up later this afternoon.
So, what's the event all about? Here's how they describe it:
"As the 'cloud' becomes a common platform, web applications still live in a 'stovepipe' world. It's not a question of 'should we move to the cloud?' It's a question of once some, or most, or all of our web applications live in the cloud, how do we handle the problems of scalability, security, identity, storage, integration and interoperability? What was the problem of 'enterprise application integration' in the late 90s, is now the cambrian explosion of web-based applications that will demand similar levels of integration. The problem, put simply, is how to "glue" all of these apps, data, people, work-flows, and networks together."
Glue says it's the only conference "devoted solely to this new problem-set facing architects, developers, and integrators" and says it will "explore the new technologies that are forming around web applications in a post-cloud world." That includes:
• APIs & Protocols: Twitter, Facebook, Websockets, PubSubHubBub (PUSH), XMPP
• Languages/Frameworks: JQuery, Zend, Ruby/Rails, Git, Django, Dojo, Scala/Lift
• Formats/Standards: RDF/Linked Data, JSON, Microformats, HTML5
• Open Data: DBPedia, Geonames,, AWS Public Data Sets, Open Street Map, Open Calais, Alchemy API
• Platforms/Providers: Amazon, Rackspace, Goog App Engine, Heroku, Eucalyptus
• Storage: SQL vs. NoSQL (Cassandra, CouchDB, MongoDB, Riak, Voldemort, Dynomite, Sherpa, Pig, Hadoop, Drizzle, etc)
Glue is being held at the very nice Omni Interlocken Resort in Broomfield, CO. I'm looking forward to a packed agenda starting tomorrow (Wednesday) morning, with keynotes over the two days from Cisco, Alcatel-Lucent, Programmable Web, Cloudscaling, Gnip, VC Mark Suster, Eucalyptus Systems, Twilio, and Pete Warden. And so many great breakout sessions, it's going to crazy-hard to choose between them!
A new wrinkle this year, thanks to Community Sponsor Alcatel-Lucent, is a Demo Pavilion, in which a select group of 15 early-stage startups were awarded free exhibits to pitch their stuff to the 400+ developers, investors, and others attending this year's Glue (which is the largest attendance to date). These startups are:
I'll be doing brief video interviews of as many of these companies as I can, as well as other sponsor companies and speakers at this year's Glue. I'll record these interviews on a brand-new Olympus LS-20M, a review unit I was lucky enough to get to try out. (Hat tip to my friend Robert Stephens, CTO of Best Buy, back home in Minneapolis.) This thing is awesome, capturing both HD video and audio in one handheld unit — it's literally like a studio in my hand! I'll post these videos here on my blog during the event as I'm able to get them uploaded, or shortly afterwards. Let me know what you think, or any requests you might have for me, such as questions to ask in my interviews. I'll of course be live-tweeting the event as well, along with scores of others! The hastag is #gluecon. You can watch that action right over here —>>>>> in the sidebar of my blog, in my FanChatter social-media aggregation box, which includes both Twitter and Facebook integration — and you can post right from there yourself! Talk back to me… 🙂 or anyone else either tweeting from Glue or posting on Facebook. Try it!
Can the Glue Conference get any better? This will be the third annual, and I can honestly say this year's event will blow the roof off. Listen: if you're a developer or tech startup founder, get your ass to Denver, May 24-26. You will kick yourself over and over in said ass if you don't! The quality of the programming and attendees is the best of any cloud/developer/big data/mobile conference out there. Trust me — I go to a lot of conferences. I know these things. And the #Gluecon crew is making it even easier for a bunch of startups to get visibility there this year…
How? Thanks to the main event underwriter, Alcatel-Lucent (and its OpenAPIservice), the Glue Conference is awarding 15 startups with a free demo pod at the event. Here's the post on the great Gluecon Blog that will tell you all about this oportunity. You have till March 24th to apply, so go for it!
What will the conference program offer? Well, that's taking even more shape as we speak, but check out this post on the Gluecon blog for juicy details about just some of the Gluecon sessions.
A quote from event organizer Eric Norlin: "We're working our butts off to make sure that Gluecon is the single most impact-filled conference for cloud/API developers this year. I hope you'll choose to join us."
[UPDATE: In a previous post, I wrote this: 'Glue' is a Cloud Conference That's Different – It's for *Developers* (and some interesting new twists on the next one)]
For basic details on this year's event, hit this register page and read the summary. Then register while the price is the lowest! (Try this code and see if it still gets you an even lower discount: alu12.) And make your hotel reservation. The venue is a very cool place called the Omni Resort in Broomfield, and the rate is quite reasonable. Gonna be tons of great learning, killer networking, and it's always lots of fun, too! See you there.
I stopped by late on Day 2 to chat with my friends from Minneapolis, Workface Inc. I wanted to hear more about their very successful DEMO experience. The company was founded in 2006 "to pioneer human-to-human selling on the Web." On the morning of Day 1, in the Enterprise Technologies category, the Workface guys introduced to the
world their "Customer-initiated Engagement Platform," which connects sales professionals with new prospects that are looking to make high-value, considered purchases on the Internet. They call it a "pre-CRM solution." It's cloud-based software accessible in any modern browser (no plug-ins required). The enterprise customer has no software installation expenses, and subscription costs are as little as $25 per month per sales person. Here's the DEMO Conference video of their pitch.
The Workface profile (at left) is media-rich and searchable, featuring video, text, images, links, files, and two-way chat tools that enable prospective customers to initiate meaningful conversations (anonymously or not) with the most appropriate sales person at the company whose web site they're visiting. A key point is that these profiles are highly portable, in that they can appear anywhere on the 'Net, including on Facebook. The Workface duo showed the latter in their on-stage demo.
I'm back at DEMO doing another live-blog. This is the 12th time I've reported on DEMO, and I've been doing the last few by using the "Cover It Live" app (see window below). Produced by the IDG Enterprise events group in conjunction with VentureBeat, the DEMO conferences in the United States and China focus on emerging technologies and new product innovations, which are hand selected from across the spectrum of the technology marketplace. The DEMO conferences have earned their reputation for consistently identifying tomorrow's cutting-edge technologies, and have served as launchpad events for companies such as Palm, E*Trade, Handspring, and U.S. Robotics, helping them to secure venture funding, establish critical business relationships, and influence early adopters. For more information on the DEMO conferences, visit
The conference kicks off officially at 9:15 am Pacific today, when my live-blogging will begin in earnest. Here's the agenda. I also have my Twitter stream set to appear in the live blog…occasional tweets, like to attach photos, but most of my posts will be in this live-blog iframe below. I've also aggregated virtually all the real-time "DEMO Chatter" in the box to the right, including Facebook and Twitter posts, and my curated Twitter list of the presenters' posts.
I'm looking forward to a great conference! When the event is completed, I'll archive this live-blog, which switches it around to proper chronological order. And the link for this blog post will remain permanent for the live-blog archive. That's the big advantage for me to document a conference with this live-blogging tool, compared to just tweeting the event. (Have you tried going back to get an archive of your tweetstream for a certain day or event? Good luck.) Plus the fact that I can do posts longer than 140 characters. Hope you like it!
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