Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Category: Marketing/Branding/PR (Page 2 of 29)

There’s Something You Need to Know About Startup Marketing

Here’s a bulletin: it’s damn hard!

Okay, that may not be news to you if you’ve done at least one startup. But what’s not well known is that many HardWork-450winexperienced founders — and investors, too — think it bears little resemblance to traditional brand marketing, and that it can be done with, um, little or no money.

I’m not kidding – they really do. Another guy who’s noticed that is David Murdico, who recently wrote a post lamenting some cold, hard facts:  5 Reasons Startups Should Pay Marketing Agencies More Than Brands Do

(David heads an agency in LA, which has become a hot startup community — a very large one! Here’s his bio.)

“The myth out there is that startups don’t have very high budgets because they’re – you know – startups, so they shouldn’t pay marketing agencies, ad agencies, the gardener, the people at the counter at Burger King, or other professionals at the same rates that those nasty big brands do.

They should pay more.”

Yes, you read that right — that’s what David said. Because startup marketing is in fact harder than traditional brand marketing, he maintains. In his post, he goes on to make an excellent argument about why… which, as someone who’s focused virtually my entire career in this space, I think really nails it.

“Working with a startup team takes every bit as much time, creativity, effort, critical thinking, planning, strategizing, communication and resources as working with the marketing team at a big brand, and probably more.”

David gives five reasons why the above is true:
1. Nobody knows who you are yet.
2. You are every bit as demanding as a brand marketing team.
3. You are very stuck on your own ideas and greatness.
4. You often hire an agency to shut up and do as they’re told.
5. You keep changing your mind about stuff.

You can read more on those points in his post. Now, granted, saying all that is pretty easy — but what can reasonably be done to do something about this problem? And it is a real problem — one that’s holding back too many startups. But let me try, with my own list of 5 things:

1. Founders need to get real about marketing, plan better, and budget more money for it. They can and should seek help in this regard. Good advice is available out there from many disinterested parties who can provide objective feedback or recommendations. Obviously, every startup needs advisors, and you’d be taking a big chance if you don’t have a marketing person on your advisory team! And I say that even if you already have a marketing cofounder — because an advisor can provide a valuable sounding board. The critical, overriding marketing question for your startup is this: what will it really take, dollar-wise, to achieve the level of traction or market penetration that your plan calls for?

2. VCs and angel investors need to better understand marketing. They’re largely finance people. Most VCs don’t even have startup operational experience (yes, angels are more likely to), let alone marketing. In my thirty years of working with startups, I’ve run across precious few investors who are really marketing savvy (unless you count those who actually believe in  the viral-marketing fairy). Sure, some VCs may have taken a marketing class or two for their MBA, and they talk about customer acquisition a lot, and but most don’t really understand all the things needed to make that happen — nor the investment it requires. The lucky startup that just “takes off” via word-of-mouth is rare indeed. (Granted, some of the top-tier VC firms actually employ smart marketing people as part of their portfolio company support team — which is one reason they’ve achieved top-tier status. But these are very few indeed.)

3. Founding teams (and any and all people involved in startups) need to adjust their expectations. There are many misconceptions about startup marketing, and a good advisor can help in this regard. For example, founders have to stop thinking that, if they could just get media coverage in TechCrunch or VentureBeat or some other such media site, all their marketing problems would be solved. “We just need a ‘kick-start’ and we’ll get all the signups we need!” Dream on. I can have you talk to some founders for a reality check.

4. Watch out with that term “agency” — meaning most startups actually don’t need an entire firm (and the overhead that goes with it). Let’s use the term here to just mean a small creative team, often simply two people: a writer and a designer. Those are the key operatives. But they of course need to be experienced startup marketing strategists at the same time, with an understanding of media — or the latter can be an additional team member. What working with an “agency” really means for a startup is the smallest possible team, who can wring the most value possible out of a modest budget. But, because they have startup chops, they should be paid well. Yes, even more than their counterparts on a traditional “brand” agency team, because this is different, more specialized, and harder work that run-of-the-mill work for established brands.

5. As a founder, think very carefully about how much you allocate for marketing in your proposed “Use of Funds” — that is, the percentage of the total dollar amount you plan to raise (or do raise). Investors need a critical eye here, too. Especially watch out for a line-item that says “Sales and Marketing” — that doesn’t cut it! First of all, sales is a subset of marketing in any successful business. It’s the here-and-now, the day-to-day, the “who am I going to sell next?” It’s not marketing, which is about planning and strategy for a longer term than… um, a few days, a week, or a quarter! Sales is heavily oriented toward people expenses (salary, commission, travel, etc) — marketing not so much. Rather, it’s more about media, advertising, research, PR, customer acquisition, even some product development activities. Costs attributed to “Sales,” especially for a startup that must build a salesforce or a channel, can quickly escalate and overshadow dollars that really need to be invested in Marketing. Word to the wise: don’t put the cart before the horse. Good marketing — planning, strategy, brand building — must get attention ahead of investments in Sales. The right Marketing will drive the right Sales.

Yes, startup marketing is hard. Get help, think big, and don’t cheap out.

SaaS is so yesterday. The new hotness? Software WITH a Service: #SwaS

So, we know you’ve been sitting around wondering… what’s the next big wave in B2B software? Well, so have a bunch of Silicon Valley VCs, according to the author of a recent TechCrunch guest post, “Why ‘Do It For Me’ Is The Next Big Thing.”

Service-keyboard-450wThe author is Anthony P. Lee, a general partner at Altos Ventures, and he makes an excellent argument about how SaaS is no longer enough — specifically, for companies in the ginormous space we call Small Business.

Continue reading

TruScribe, Cofounded in MN, Helps Weird Al Yankovic Take a Shot at Corporate America with ‘Mission Statement’ Music Video

In a post today in the Wall Street Journal “Speakeasy” blog (which covers media, entertainment, celebrity, and the arts), the latest music video from Weird Al Yankovic was featured. It’s hilarious!! Take a look there on that post (length is 4:34)… I'll wait.
TruScribe-logoWhat’s cool is that the video has a Minnesota connection. It turns out Yankovic and his longtime coproducer LeverageCoreCompetencies-250wtapped TruScribe to make it — starting some ten months ago. TruScribe is headquartered in Madison WI, but also has an office in downtown St. Paul. (In addition, it maintains international operations through many key European partnerships.) Andrew Herkert, who’s VP of sales and a cofounder, heads the St. Paul office and helped launch the company while a student at the University of St. Thomas about five years ago. TruScribe has grown significantly since then.

An excerpt from the WSJ post:

The song, from Yankovic’s new album “Mandatory Fun,” is in the style of Crosby, Stills & Nash… (it) features Yankovic harmonizing with himself on lyrics constructed of corporate jargon, like “operationalize our strategies” and “leverage our core competencies,” while the animated whiteboard video depicts a live-action hand that is drawing illustrations to go with the words.

“I wanted to do a song about all the ridiculous double-speak and meaningless buzzwords that I’ve been hearing in office environments my entire life,” Yankovic says by email. “I just thought it would be ironic to juxtapose that with the song stylings of CSN, whose music pretty much symbolizes the antithesis of corporate America.”

I laughed out loud at one comment on the post (from a guy named David): “Weird Al hits all the right points. Anyone who has written a press release should hang their heads in shame.”

WeirdAl-HisTweet072114TruScribe is getting a ton of praise today (including from Al himself), as you can see on its Twitter account.

And here’s a great blog post TruScribe  published today, Weird Al is making fun of you! And us, too.

TruScribe’s technology is called “Scribology,” and the company has built an impressive client list. TruScribe-Scribology(tm)

I had the pleasure of meeting cofounder Andrew Herkert at the most recent University of St. Thomas “Fowler Business Concept Challenge” (a student competition), where we were judges on the same team. Here’s what he had to say about the news today:

“Weird Al is a creative powerhouse, with a decades-long influence on pop culture, and that makes it an honor that we were selected as vendor for his whiteboard-animation project. The TruScribe team is optimistic this is just the beginning of a deeper relationship with the media industry. … I have high praise for Jay Levey of Imaginary Productions for catalyzing the vision for this video. Jay is Al’s  business partner and manager/agent/fellow visionary — they’ve worked together for many, many years. In fact, Jay discovered Al some 30 years ago.”

TruScribe is another great example of Minnesota creativity and technology innovation! Okay, Wisconsin claims them as well. We hate to admit it — but, yes, occasionally, cheeseheads can be creative, too… 🙂

W3i Rebrands and Launches New ‘Native’ Ad Platform; Names Trip Hawkins as Senior Advisor

(Note: This news appeared earlier this morning on

NativeX_graphicW3i, one of Minnesota's largest and fastest-growing Internet companies, with headquarters in St. Cloud and offices in Minneapolis and San Francisco, just made a major announcement today.  The company has changed its name to NativeX and completely rebranded around a new platform to help developers better monetize their apps. The focus for W3i has long been primarily (though not exclusively) on game apps, so it's no surprise the announcement was timed to hit the wire as the company prepares for the huge Game Developers Conference, which takes place all next week in San Francisco.

With this move, the company is positioning to jump on what is becoming a clear trend toward advertising that is more specific, or native, to various web platforms, as opposed to the old, tired banner advertising, which everyone loves to hate.  W3i, now Native X, clearly wants to own the concept for apps, and what better way than to use the term right in their name?

A key part of the announcement today, adding mucho cred with the gaming community, is the addition
TripHawkinsof Trip Hawkins as an "advisor to the board."  Trip, whom the company rightfully calls an "industry giant," has a history going back to Apple's early days. You can read all about him here on his Wikipedia page.

“Native advertising is the future," Hawkins says in the news announcement. “Every major publisher on mobile and web has their eye on native advertising right now. NativeX is proving that we as an industry can do better than banner ads.”

What many observers would find even more interesting about this new initiative of W3i (now NativeX) is that a guy named Young Sohn is chairman of its board.  (More on Young below.)

I conducted an email interview with Rob Weber, cofounder and EVP of NativeX, after I got early word of this news last night:

Why did you decide to rebrand the company?

RobWeber"As we reviewed our marketing strategy, it became clear to us that the name 'W3i' didn't convey what we are all about. In the digital media world, most industry experts would agree that display advertising is broken. Even the largest banner ad units result in CPMs for publishers only in the $2.00 range, max. The reason for the low performance is display ads don't drive engagement, and ultimately value, for marketers. This is why Google invented a more 'native' ad unit for its business (paid search), Facebook created new ad units built for the news feed, Twitter launched sponsored tweets, and, locally, DoApp introduced 'RSS news ads.'  We are focused on solving this problem for consumer app developers, and we felt like the name 'nativeX' speaks directly to where we are headed — creating new, native ad units for developers that bring strong monetization to their business."

How did you get connected to Trip? What role will he play?

"I was first introduced to Trip about a year ago by a mutual friend on a trip to San Francisco. We stayed in touch, and it became clear he could help us in a number of ways. Trip will provide a strategic perspective to our board with respect to what is going on in mobile and in the app space, which is dominated by game apps. Trip will help us build even stronger ties and awareness within the broader app world, and specifically in the Bay Area. On a personal level, Trip has also been helpful as a mentor to me."

How long have you been planning this?  Who drove the rebranding?

"Plans have been in the works for a few months, and the rebranding effort has been led by our new VP of
DianaLaGattutaMarketing, Diana LaGattuta, based in San Francisco." [Ed.: Her photo at right, and her bio appears on the NatixeX web site.]

What changes will result to the organization locally, if any?

"In terms of local changes, we expect a clearer message to our target clients, along with the new technology we're launching, will enable us to continue to increase the value of our company, which will result in us ontinuing to hire even more folks locally."

How will this affect your SF organization? Will you be expanding it?

"We are looking to grow additional headcount in all three of our offices — St. Cloud, Minneapolis, and San Francisco. The Bay Area has a lot of relevant talent for a business like ours, and we plan to add significant headcount there. We've seen that the Bay Area talent we already have gives us the opportunity to increase our perspective, which helps the rest of the team grow faster."

Does it mean any significant new hiring plans right away?

"We have lots of hiring plans immediately. Check out our career page for specifics." [Ed.: That would be here. No specific jobs listed there as I publish this, but there sure is some enticing copy. And an email link to apply.]

What new partnerships, if any, will become a part of this new initiative?

"We will continue to ramp partnerships with mobile and desktop app developers. For example, in October we announced a new partnership with one of the globally most popular mobile app developers in the world, Imangi Studios, maker of the smash hit Temple Run. We have some other new partnerships that will be similar, but taking advantage of our new native technology."

What are the long-term implications in this for your company?

"We think the rebranding and new technology will help us create further differentiation in the market. We think we can own 'native advertising' within the app space. Expect to see more specifics in terms of new products, technology, partnerships, and more tied to this 'native' approach."

What if anything can we read into this because you have the Chief Strategy Officer of Samsung on your board?

"Young was 100% supportive of our rebranding."

Rob Weber and his company have long been champions of developers, not only helping them make money with their apps, but even helping them get funding to launch or expand. He wrote a guest post on VentureBeat earlier this month, Six ways the Five Horsemen of Tech can build better app ecosystems, in which he spoke about that. (The "Five Horseman" being Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Samsung.)

#3 Lend a Hand: Create Funding Programs for Developers

This one is also fairly obvious. On one hand, you have large thriving companies generating billions of dollars in revenue every year. On the other hand, you have an app market that gets more cutthroat every day and is filled with bootstrapped developers struggling to stay competitive. All of the horsemen should be creating sizable developer funds to help them build the teams and infrastructure they need to make great apps. Such funds would also encourage developers to leverage the horsemen’s technology and make something innovative on their platform. Samsung is a great example of this. With their recently announced $100 million Samsung Catalyst Fund, Samsung will expand their brand, work with great developers, and help build their app ecosystem as clarified at the recent Dive Into Media conference.

Horseman that does this the best: Samsung*

*Full disclosure, the Chairman of our board at nativeX, Young Sohn, is President and Chief Strategy Officer at Samsung, and is involved in overseeing Samsung’s fund.

Young Sohn will surely play a role in guiding NativeX to even more growth going forward. Stay tuned!

And, by the way, I'll be reporting from GDC next week myself, inlcuding updates about Minneapolis-based startup Canopy, which also will have a big presence there.


(My disclosure: I provided consulting services to W3i in past years, but have no current contractual relationship with the firm.)


What Kind of Press Coverage Can a Minnesota Startup Get at CES?

Sensus_case+package_275wWell, plenty if its name is Canopy and its product is a revolutionary, touch-sensitive iPhone case, which adds touch technology to the back and right side.  The Sensus™ case drew huge interest at the 2013 International CES show in Las Vegas last week — as you can see from a partial list of media coverage below, stories known to have been published as of today's date. Many other blogs and news-aggregator sites reposted several of these stories, and numerous YouTube members posted video clips as well. In addition, the company's CES press release, sent via BusinessWire, was posted by a total of 465 media outlets. 

Needless to say, Canopy had a very successful CES!  And I'm proud to say that I helped orchestrate this coverage, working in concert with a trusted technology industry colleague, Barb Stinnett. It was an awesome experience working with the technology media to get the great story of the Canopy Sensus™ case out to the world!




The Verge

CNet Reviews

CNet First Look (video)

NBC News



Wired (Gadget Lab)

PC World





TUAW (Cali


LA Times,0,7921440.story

Laptop Mag


Radio interview during
CES Unveiled: "Into Tomorrow" with Dave Graveline (Canopy is 6th
guest, Hour 1):

NBC-LA live TV
interview the morning after "CES Unveiled":!/on-air/as-seen-on/NBC4s-Mekahlo-Medina-At-The-Consumer-Electronics-Show/185886252



Apple Magazine

iPhone Life

Patently Apple

Insanely Great



Peter Bryer: Mobile


The News Tribe

iPhone Rumors


PC Tablet

Times of India




Before It's News (UK)

Phones Review (UK)


Today's iPhone

Cult of Mac

Science News Daily

Gadget Review

Gizmo Chunk

iPad News

Multiplayer Online Game

ET6 Nation

It Struck Me


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