DEMO, DEMOspring2011, #democon, @DEMO, startups, launch, pitches, pitching, VC, venture capital, angel investors, tech trends, mobile, social, cloud, video chat, apps, mobile apps, web apps, iPhone

MobileNation-DEMOspring2011 Just had to stop and talk to the Aussies when I heard they were at DEMO!  I kidded them beforehand via Twitter that I was coming over for a Vegemite sandwich (they had a very active tweetmaster at the helm!)  I was delighted to learn they'd just opened a Palo Alto office. MobileNation came all the way from the other side of the world to pitch their technology for letting anyone build a custom mobile app (whether for smartphone or tablet). It has a very nice, intuitive drag-and-drop visual interface. 

I spoke with John Hummelstad, Chairman (at left in the MobileNation-logo photo), who proceeded to do a visual demo for me on his large monitor, even though I was only recording audio… :-)  But I just let him run with it, figuring you could always view the video of their on-stage demo later. (And here's that video.) MobileNation's app-building technology is free for anyone to use, but the company will make money from charging enterprises to use it for their purposes.

Download or listen to my interview of John Hummelstad, Chairman of MobileNation … (MP3)