This year's DEMO spring conference, being held in Palm Desert, CA, February 28 – March 1, features 52 companies taking the stage to launch their new products or concept, ranging from innovators in the enterprise space to the coolest new consumer technology. DEMOspring11-slide The companies are listed below alphabetically, followed by product name (if different) in parentheses, and the DEMO category name.  In addition to this great group of demonstrators, DEMO will feature some exciting speakers and panelists.  We'll be hearing from newly announced Startup America CEO Scott Case, making his first public appearance…Mike Maples, Managing Partner, Floodgate Fund… as well as executives from Salesforce, Cisco, and other firms featured in panels and on-stage fireside chats.

Presenting Companies: … Consumer (family tool to manage & share memories and household info)
Ajax (Cloud89 IDE) … Cloud (IDE for Javasript developers, supports HTML5, Python, Ruby, PHP)
ApSynth … Cloud (PaaS for web apps, share them anywhere)
BiznessApps … Mobile (affordable iOS & Android app dev for small biz)
CVAC Systems … Consumer (fitness product)
DataRoket … Enterprise (data analysis tool)
ecoATM … Consumer (self-service kiosk for recycling consumer electronics)
eLIve Entertainment … Social & Media (lets friends talk while watching videos online)
EMBRIA Technologies (VIOLIN Platform) … Enterprise (Web OS for enterprise sw dev)
EyePredict (EPflow) … Cloud (neuroscience-based sw that predicts visual attention)
FaceCake Marketing (Swivel) …Enterprise/Retail (lets customers virtually try on products at home in 3D, poll social graph)
Fetch Plus Asia Pacific ( … Social & Media (highly interactive, custom-branded Facebook pages)
flyRuby … Consumer (online marketplace for private jet travelers)
GageIn … Enterprise (business networking platform powered by content; intelligent collaboration)
Guardly … Mobile (personal safety service; alert family/friends/authorities about an emergency in a single tap)
GutCheck … Social & Media (DIY Web app to conduct qualitative research, one-on-one interviews w/target consumers)
HBMG Inc. (VECTOR) … Cloud (turnkey cloud server; shock-mounted case, no AC needed)
HeyStaks … Social & Media (shared social search service; collaborate anonymously w/friends, people of like-minded interest)
HighNote … Mobile (new, more social way to message; send free media-enhanced messages anywhere; add video, music, audio, pics, maps, custom buttons, iTunes)
Kuggaa … Cloud (subscribers create, edit, and enjoy their favorite mobile content across different device form-factors)
Life Is Better ON (ON Voicefeed) … Mobile (iPhone app for personalized voicemail messages; also sends & converts text-to-voice messages)
Manilla … Consumer (service for consumers to manage all of their household accounts, bills, finances, rewards programs, subscriptions in one place online)      
Marginize … Social & Media (adds social layer to the web; as you browse, discover what others have said about any webpage you are viewing)
MobileNation … Mobile (lets nontechnical people design & build custom apps for smartphones or tablets; drag & drop interface; no programming)
mSIGNIA (Dynamic Device Identity) … Mobile (safe, reliable device identity for accessing cloud services on Android smartphones & tablets, and available soon on iPhone, Blackberry, others)
NeuroSky (MindWave BrainCubed Education Bundle) … Consumer (intelligence, mental fitness, and game apps that monitor EEG brainwave activity; "exercise equipment for children's minds")
News360 (new app, for iPad) … Mobile (app that collects news from more than 1000 sources; uses semantic analysis to identify the important trends, and social graph to tailor your news stream)
Next Island  … Social & Media (first virtual world with real cash economy and time travel to Ancient Greece; played on a PC, with exceptional graphics)
Nimble … Cloud (Social Relationship Manager, connects your contacts, calendars, communications with social listening and engagement; integrates LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and email into a seamless environment)
Nuvyyo Inc. (JetStreamHD) … Mobile (box that lets you stream videos, songs, photos from your home network while you're traveling; converts any format, delivers true HD video, and adapts to Wi-Fi or 3G strength as it streams) … Social & Media (gay & lesbian dating site; proprietary matching algorithm focuses on matching perfect personality types)
PhotoRocket … Consumer (share photos instantly in one step to all your photo destinations; single click simultaneously shares to people, Facebook, Twitter, and other sites)
Pixable (iPad app) … Social & Media (free app for browsing Facebook pix; get notifications of the photo activity of the friends you choose)
Primadesk … Consumer (manage and backup online personal cloud data, no matter what the device)
Screenreach Interactive (Screach) … Mobile (real-time two-way interactive experiences between a smart device and any content, anywhere)
ShowUhow (product experience platform) … Social & Media (on-demand, video-based Product Guides for mfrs & retailers,  via smartphone, Web, and social media, for pre-sale education, installation, feedback, and repeat sales)
Silentale (SocialReplay) … Social & Media  (extract key strategic information through qualitative data & analytics of Facebook Page & Twitter accounts to assist in formulating marketing programs)
SocialEyes … Social & Media (social video service to instantly connect you to friends and groups of people who share your interests)
Thoora (Thoora for Tablets) … Social & Media (quickly curate and share beautiful, naturally search-friendly, and self-updating content for tablet devices; human- curated, topical pages that are always fresh and relevant)
TrendSpottr … Social & Media (search & curation service for Twitter, Facebook, and other real-time data streams; uses advanced algorithms and curation tools; filters, aggregates, and publishes top trending headlines, videos, images, phrases, hashtags, and places for any search term)
V3 (Stratosphere) … Cloud (400 virtual desktops in a 2U server))
Viafoura … Social & Media (split-screen video debate, gaming/reward sys)
Websense (Defensio for Facebook) … Cloud (FB security/protection)
Workface … Enterprise (customer-initiated engagement platform for human-to-human selling on the web; software that enables your sales people to build and manage customer relationships)
Zugara (Webcam Social Shopper) … Enterprise (advanced apparel visualization and social media engagement product  licensed to online retailers

Alpha Pitch Companies:
Dvmmy (Offers App)
iCaR Systems
infiniWing (KloudDock)
The Geco