DEMOfall-HyattLobby The big event gets underway later today at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara and runs through Wednesday evening September 14th.  I just arrived and am covering the entire event — front to back and inside out!  :-)  See my coverage of the last one if you need some proof.  This is my 12th DEMO in a row, and 13th overall.

It's stacking up to be another blockbuster: some 80 companies launching, 100+ members of the press, 900+ attendees… and, as a recent @DEMO tweet said, it's "100% focused on product launches, no drama!" Haha, rimshot! … a bit of inside-baseball. Love that.. 🙂

The most important thing of all if you can't be there? That would be the hashtag!  It's #democon and it will be one active son-of-a-gun for several days. But my live blog will give you so much more than just short tweets, so bookmark that (when I post the link) and keep coming back for all the DEMO goodness. Note there's no live stream video broadcast of the event this time — guess they decided those lazy people with fat pipes who watch it at home or in the office actually should pay to attend the event instead?  Hey, it costs a lot to put these extravaganzas on!

Here's a link to the excellent lineup of speakers, and to the complete agenda. It all takes place here at the Hyatt over the next two and a half days.
I'll be live-blogging the event again using the Cover It Live app (that link will be in my next post), and I'll start doing that in earnest tomorrow (Tuesday) morning, just prior to the first day's sessions.  I'll be live-tweeting, too, as I can.  I've been using the #democon hashtag now for several days — as you can see on my Twitter page, @graemethickins.  You can either continue to see my tweets about DEMO there, or they'll also show up in my live-blog as they happen.  I'll tend to tweet more during breaks, when my live-blog is paused.  I'll also post some iPhone pix via tweets from time to time, since it's faster posting photos that way, versus fumbling with my big camera.  As always, I'll post all my event photos to Flickr in batches as I can upload them during each of the next few days.  Oh, and I'll be posting some short videos this time, too — a first for me at DEMO — which I may do by attaching clips to some entries in my live-blog, and also will post 3-4 minute video interviews of presenting company founders as separate posts on this blog during the week.

Itching to get this party started!  My next post (in a few hours) will be the one where my live-blog will be located — and will remain there as an archive afterwards. Then, tonight around 9:30 or 10:00 pm Pacific, I'll post the whole list of presenting companies with links to their web sites — right after the DEMO news embargo lifts!  Don't miss that — the first coming-out party, as it were…