Well, the sun’s not up yet in Tinsel Town [no, I haven’t been up all night!], but I thought I’d do a quick blog post before I get to the opening session. After stopping to have lunch yesterday with PureVideo Networks in El Segundo on my way up the 405, I made it to the very crowded, gleaming Renaissance Hollywood Hotel (near the Hollywood Bowl) yesterday about 2:00 for registration at PhocusWright’s annual travel-industry confab. What a mob! Close to 900 turned out, huge lines, and the hotel was sold out weeks ago. Other press in attendance includes BusinessWeek, Reuters, USA Today, The Internet Traveler, and about 16 travel-industry press. Blog coverage? Some press may be blogging live, but I appear to be the only pure blogger listed. I would have expected more at an event that’s largely about how Web 2.0 is affecting travel. Well, I’ll try to uphold my end of things…

I see sponsors of the event include Google (14 people here), Yahoo (16), and AOL (7). Also having good representation, as one would expect, are mega travel powers American Express (24), as well as Minneota’s own Carlson Companies (5), which includes folks from Carlson Leisure Travel, Carlson Hotels, and Carlson Wagonlit Travel, whose CEO is speaking this morning.

Why so much attention focused on travel? Well, I’m learning it’s one humongous space. The event’s producers call it “the world’s largest industry,” and I see Jupiter Research just released projections that would appear to back that up. It says online travel will hit $85 billion this year, and $128 billion by 2011. That big enough for ya?

Stand by for my onsite posts. The wi-fi here appears to be good.

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