Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

GetGoMN Gets Goin’ – and I’m In!

A new web site for Minnesota entrepreneurs, investors, and the people who support them was unveiled this week at a press conference hosted by Governor Tim Pawlenty at the Capitol. I was invited, and did manage to get one good photo of the festivites in the very grand and impressive Governor’s Reception Room. [It was an interesting juxtaposition, talking about a new web site in the midst of all the historic surroundings.] I also got to meet the Gov, and I’ll tell you why I was there in a bit.


GetGoMN is a free service and aims to be nothing less than a MySpace for the state’s entrepreneurs and angel investors. It’s been in the planning stages for more than a year and is a unique collaboration of nine of Minnesota’s leading institutions in education, government, and business. I like the goal of GetGo — it’s simply this: “To make Minnesota a better place to conceive, build, launch, and grow new businesses.”

See how the Star-Tribune covered the news: Website Calling Business Angels. Other local media outlets ran items as well, including The Business Journal. And here’s how my friend and fellow MN blogger, Garrick Van Buren, wrote about it at MNteractive.

GetGo is a great new tool that will help Minnesota entrepreneurs, investors, and supporting organizations find and keep track of one another. But it goes beyond just connecting — it provides a way to share and manage all the documents and information relating to those connections (securely!).

The one-liner is this: “GetGo is where Minnesota’s entrepreneurs get connected, get resources, and get going.” Love that!

Now, more about why I was at the press event, and what this has to do with me: I’m very proud to say I’ve been tapped to be GetGo’s “chief evangelist”! [I’ve always wanted to have a title like that — thank you, Guy Kawasaki, for inventing it… 🙂 ] What does it mean? What will I be doing? Well, I’ll be launching a blog at, for one thing — where I’ll now do all my Minnesota-related blog posts. [I’ll reserve Tech-Surf-Blog for things of a more general, national, or global interest. Well, maybe an occasional Minnesota item…] I’ll still be doing my consulting, or course, since this is only a part-time gig. But I’m extremely excited about the potential of GetGo, and really look forward to working with the three founders of this great new site: Tom Kieffer, Scott Litman, and Dan Mallin. They’re really the “chiefs”… 🙂 But I very much share their vision for the site, and I look forward now to working even closer with Minnesota entrepreneurs (if that’s possible!)….

I ask all of you for your support, and keep in mind that the site is just out of beta, so there are still kinks to work out, and lots more good things are yet to come. I’m excited, too, that membership at GetGo, after only a few days, is already exceeding expectations. In the last few days, I’ve invited several of you into my first network at GetGo (which is for my consulting company, GT&A Strategic Marketing), and will be happy to get more of you into that as we get started on GetGo. I’ll have a blog there, too! Many networks are being created as we speak. Start one of your own!

It’s official: entrepreneurship in Minnesota just took one great, big step forward.


  1. Ed Kohler

    This sounds really exciting. This may help get some smart Minnesotans out of their shells – or maybe out of hibernation would be a better metaphor?

  2. Graeme Thickins

    Ed – interesting you’d say that, because I hear similar things from others in our local tech community who aren’t FROM here. They’re applauding GetGo and saying, “About time!” I’m really stoked to be a part of it…

    Look forward to our lunch next week, and congratulations on your success to date with the “Technology Evangelist” blog. You’re helping put Minnesota back on the tech map! 🙂 Ever since I first heard about you at CES in January, from a Palm PR guy, of all people….I have to travel to Vegas to learn these things! 🙂 ….I’ve been a regular reader.
    TITLE: GetGo Tips
    BLOG NAME: A Minnesota Tech Venture
    DATE: 03/09/2007 12:38:23 AM
    Tips on using GetGo to its fullest.
    TITLE: GetGo Tips
    BLOG NAME: A Minnesota Tech Venture
    DATE: 03/08/2007 09:16:00 AM
    Tips on using GetGo to its fullest.
    TITLE: GetGo Tips
    BLOG NAME: A Minnesota Tech Venture
    DATE: 03/05/2007 10:32:32 AM
    Tips on using GetGo to its fullest.

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