Paul Kedrosky, an investor, CNBC commentator, and a fellow at the Kauffman Foundation, sees a train wreck coming. In a post published Febuary 4th, entitled "Venture Capital Contraction Has Ended, But Accelerator Contraction Looms," he first says:
"After arguing a few years ago in a Kauffman paper that the VC industry needed to shrink back to heath, it has mostly done so. Granted, the industry isn't exactly thriving yet, but most of the asset class shrinkage is now over, so further gloom and doom is more a reflection of a particular writer's psychological state than of the merits of cutting VC industry by larger amounts from here."
Then he goes on to cite another shinkage he thinks is imminent:
"…a collapse in the embarrassingly overheated accelerator segment…will almost certainly come later this year…"
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