It was a long, hard day at the office-away-from-home.  My feet sure hurt, I’m on mega-sensory-overload, and more people are definitely not something I want to deal with right now — trust me.  But, somehow, I seem to have survived Macworld Day One, as I blog here from Annabelle’s Bar & Bistro next to the hotel, just up the street from site of this huge gathering. Annabellesbistro_3

Watching the Steve Jobs keynote on the live blogs, starting at 9:00 am, was quite an experience again — even if it was uneven as far as connections go here on-site, on the press room wi-fi. (This is the first time I’ve tried to watch the keynote from the event itself.) All the bandwidth the techies could muster here was being challenged beyond belief, I’m sure.  I Twittered a lot while I was watching live blog updates from Gizmodo and Engadget (simultaneously listening to a fun, live discussion of the proceedings streamed from Mactalk in Australia) — though a few of my tweets somehow just disappeared into the ether, I later realized. I was pretty happy with Twitter up till then, though I later saw bloggers saying it was a big disappointment this day. Anyway, a few images I snapped last night and today are included here, and everything I’ve shot so far on this
trip is now up on Flickr.


As I said on my Twitters, the market sure didn’t seem to like the keynote today — AAPL just kept trending down throughout the whole thing.  Counting after-hours trading, Apple’s stock had drooped more than 9%, or more than $16, on the day.  That sure went against what the pundits were predicting!   And it also was the opposite of what happened during most, if not all, previous Macworlds — at least those in recent years that I’ve heard about. And Forbes’ take later in the afternoon sure echoed what the market was saying — with this less than complimentary headine: Jobs Fails to Wow at Macworld.  Maybe the worshiped one is losing the magic touch, huh?


I’ll be here at Macworld till 1:00 pm or so tomorrow, when I must leave for the airport, so I may grab some more images with my new Canon Powershot before I leave.

