Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

Minnebar 2012: Tech Geek-Out Extraordinaire!

(This post first appeared April 8, 2012, on

Minnesota's annual barcamp un-conference, aka Minnebar, returned for a seventh consecutive year on Saturday, April 7, and it was a blockbuster! Held again at Best Buy's corporate headquarters in Richfield, MN, the event attracted some 1300, the most in its history.

MinnebarPost.pngc1 MinnebarPost.pngc2It just keeps getting bigger and bigger — and better!  A pre-party the night before was a new, fun twist this year, held at Vic's, across the river from Downtown Minneapolis.  On Saturday, some 60 breakout sessions provided a wide array of learning and sharing experiences, along with awesome hallway discussions that were in full swing all day long — from 8:00 am all the way through the closing reception well after 6:00 pm.

Kudos to organizers Ben Edwards, Luke Francl, and Adrienne Peirce of, and their many volunteers who work so hard to make this event successful. And thanks to all the great sponsors: Code42 Software, Fredrikson & Byron, 8th Bridge, W3i, ipHouse, August Ash, Bloom Health, Barcamp Tour, Split Rock Partners, ChowGirls, and Ech03.

MinnebarPost.pngc3 MinnebarPost.pngc4It seems I say this every year, but it's true (I've attended the last six annual events in their entirety):  the level of energy and enthusiasm about Minnesota Tech was more than I've ever experienced!  You can just sense the growth and excitement in our tech community. And, if you're like me, you keep meeting so many more new and amazing people — technology and business professionals who are contributing to great new startups here in Minnesota, as well as to the broader technology industry in our state.  It was a pleasure to behold.  I had so many excellent conversations, trust me — there isn't enough room in this blog post to tell you about them all <haha>.

But I can show you pics I shot Friday night and all day Saturday, which I posted on Instagram. Here's a selection of those pics that I put into a Minnebar 2012 Flickr set.


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