Reflections & analysis about innovation, technology, startups, investing, healthcare, and more .... with a focus on Minnesota, Land of 10,000 Lakes. Blogging continuously since 2005.

My DEMO Fall 2011 ‘Top 10’ List … okay, 15!

Really hard to choose favorites out of the 80 great companies that presented. I thought about which ones I'd pick for my top ten, and it turned out to be 15!  DEMOfall2011-stage300w But all 80 companies were winners, going through the process they did and getting up on that national (global!) stage, pouring out their hearts about their creations… hats off to all of them!!

Here are the 15 that most struck me… based on three criteria: (1) a great onstage presentation that got their story across well, (2) a technology or consumer service that could change the world or is meeting a major market need, and (3) a product or service that personally resonated with me, that I would use myself. Listed alphabetically:

1. Aurasma *

2. BringShare

3. DailyDigital

4. Gust

5. IconFinder

6. TasteJive

7. LifeCrowd

8. Me&MyMoney

9. MeMeTales

10. Needium

11. Stroome

12. Unrabble

13. Voyurl

14. Whodini

15. WeVideo **

* People's Choice winner and one of five Demo God award winners.  **Also a Demo God award winner.

I had the good fortune, in all the rush, to capture video interviews of five of these companies. And I sure wish I could have gotten to more of them. But time is at a real premium at DEMO — it's a content firehose like no other!  All my videos — including a total of 11 founder interviews — are right here on this blog (one per post). I still have about 10 videos to upload (7 of them DEMO company founders), and am continuing to post them in the order I shot them.

For a look at DEMO Fall in pictures, see my Flickr set. And stay tuned to this blog for more DEMO posts. All my posts tagged "DEMOfall 2011" will continue to be available at this link.





  1. Jasdeep Singh

    I have been dealing with Voyurl for my website, they never deliver what they promised.
    I won’t recommend them.

  2. IT services Orange County

    Some of the sources you have provided are not working, I hope for now. Only Icon Finder was being used by me.

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