Have you been doing a lot of thinking about making changes in 2020? Yeah, me too. Well, I did for a little while, anyway. And I actually came up with a few things I could resolve to do. But I quickly came to my senses. Nah! — why would I do these things? Here my list of discarded resolutions:
1) I will not tweet so much about $AAPL.
Okay, I admit it. What I do on Twitter, week in and week out, is over the top — all my cheering for the best company, and stock, in the world. But no chance I will stop. Sorry — I’ve been an investor in $AAPL since 1990. And it’s just too much fun trolling the Apple haters. (It’s hell to be right.)
2) I will go to SXSW again in March.
Don’t think so. Got the t-shirt. Don’t even wear that. No CES either — and no Times Square New Year’s Eve (like I ever did or would). You get the idea.
3) I will have coffee with every single person who wants to “pick my brain.”
Are you kidding me? Just seeing if you were paying attention. (And, yes, that awful phrase is actually still being used by some people.)
4) I will stop telling startup founders their pitch decks are… lacking.
I can’t — that would be impossible. Because 90% of them are pretty bad in my long experience. (And the other 10% can use a boost.) Haven’t seen one yet that can’t be improved. And don’t get me started about Executive Summaries. But I try my damndest to help folks with both.
5) I will quit Facebook.
No, I do still post to it once a month or so. Yeah, that’s about it. So, it’s still worth a teeny bit to me. Still ticked that they stopped allowing all my tweets to go automatically to my Facebook feed. That made my Facebook friends think I was amazing — posting multiples times per day. Little did they know I rarely ever went there… muahahaha!
6) I will sign up for a paid account on LinkedIn.
Thought about that for a microsecond. Are you kidding? What a rip! Who’s in charge of pricing at that place? Don’t they know that a large percentage of the population doesn’t care about the traditional, corporate work world anymore? They don’t care about a site for job hunting and job hopping and touting all one’s multiple advanced degrees. Soon, 40% of the workforce will be freelance or contract workers. And a recent survey found 51% of those folks would never take a traditional job, no matter how much it paid. Sure, LinkedIn’s an okay networking site. So I’ll keep using it for free. Thanks, Microsoft!
7) I will stop ignoring LinkedIn connection requests from people I don’t know or from countries I never intend to visit.
Haha! Just checking again to see if you were paying attention. And is LinkedIn (and Microsoft) really proud of having created a channel where so many jerks are trying to sell crap all day long?
8) I will spend more time at WeWork.
I didn’t spend much time when I got a free account for a year (which will end soon), so why the hell would I pay for it?
9) I will be more discerning about what clients I take on.
No, I will be extremely more discerning.
10) I will work really hard to get more followers on Instagram, and will open an account on TikTok.
Yeah, when Hell freezes over.
That’s it. Ten things to start my 2020 right! Now, off to work out and lose a few pounds…
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