So said Phil Wolf, CEO of PhocusWright, in kicking off his firm’s 13th annual executive travel conference. “Travel 2.0 is soon to become accepted practice. Last November, we celebrated Travel 1.0’s swan song. It started in ’95 was dominated by price,” he said. “Now we have other factors like consumer collaboration, recommendations from friends, and friends of friends.” Of the price factor, he made a significant point: “It’s now about complete transparenecy in data and pricing — which is code for ‘truth’.”

Wolf noted that ony 10% of online travelers now belong to an online community site to help them plan their trips. But he ended his opening remarks with this prediction: “Interaction with others will expand exponentially.”

I thought the bump music that came up loud at this point hit the mark: “Break on Through to the Other Side” by The Doors…who, incidentally, became famous not far from here. [Jim Morrison, you still rock…]

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