I’m still reeling after getting in from Chicago last night just after the bridge collapse. What a horrible tragedy for so many innocent people! The stories coming in on our local TV affiliates today are gut-wrenching. Some tragic deaths, and many close calls. So many people grateful to be alive. 35wbridgebeforeafter_2

On the 5 o’clock news today, I actually saw a friend of mine, Chris Carlson, a close-by neighbor here in the suburbs, being interviewed. He’s a huge runner, and it turns out he was, for some reason, in the U of M area running on the River Road — under the bridge — when it collapsed and just missed him! He rescued some people. We’re seeing many other heroic stories as well. My brother-in-law is a Minneapolis cop — he’s been in the thick of it since last night (called from his own birthday party), stationed right down at the river.

Pray. Hug your loved ones and kids today. Hug ’em a lot. Life is precious.

(Graphic copyright 2007, St. Paul Pioneer Press.)