Ari Gesher, Engineering Ambassador, Palantir Technologies, just gave an animated talk, starting with the whole history of computing and operating systems (well, compressed a bit), and how it was all so custom (bespoke) — drawing an analogy to where big data is these days. He cited this classic tweet from last year:

@BigDataBorat In Data Science, 80% of time spent prepare data, 20% of time spent complain about need for prepare data.

Here's how Gigaom billed this talk: "The past decade has seen a proliferation of standalone-tools and technology for large scale data processing.  While powerful and transformational, the onus is still on the implementer to do most of the work – 80% of the time is spent on setting up the technology, leaving only a fraction to work on the actual problem at hand.  In the early days of computing, every piece of software had this problem – until operating systems heralded a revolution in building applications cheaply. What does the same innovation look like in the big data space?  How do we get beyond building prototype after prototype?  And what about the elephant that’s not even in the room yet – namely, good user Interface?"

Whew! To get Ari's take, watch the video of his talk on the livestream. And follow Ari on Twitter @alephbass.
