I just can't help myself.  After Seth's appearance here was so well received (see my post Seth Levine of Foundry Group Speaking in Minneapolis on 'Startup Communities'), I just had to drag out a little history on the man for those here in Minnesota who may not know him so well.  Specifically, his brief but budding career in rap music. 

Seth-I'maVCIt all began in 2011 when he and his partners in Foundry Group produced and starred in that now immortal video, I'm a VC. (Screenshot left.) Yikes, it's had close to 100,000 views on YouTube fo far… and counting.

But it turned out that was just a warmup. In late 2013 the saga continued, as he and da boyz decided they had another one in 'em, bursting again onto YouTube, and their blog, with Worst of Times. (Screenshot below.)

That second one is now stylin' — are you ready — about Seth-WorstOfTimes 182,000 views to date! It's especially a riot for those of us who go back a while in the tech industry.

You gotta love that Seth and his partners — Brad, Jason, and Ryan — know how to have fun. (And Jason is a pretty amazing video producer. He did both.)

What's the old saying? … All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?  Well, Lord knows these guys work very hard, but they sure know how to play, too. Dull they are not… 🙂

Thanks again, Seth, for speaking in Minnesota! But, next time, we want all you guys on stage for some live rappin', okay?